Monday 28 August 2017

Team Five Speech

Team 5 Speeches
Last Friday afrow playtime, Team Five had their speeches final.  Each class had 3 speakers, the audience was all five classes - Room 1 to 5 we also also had students from the pav, 3 & 4.

I things the speakers were very brave.  Somewhere and nervous and some were confident.  Let me tell you about my favorite speakers on this day

Why: Mubashshir made Everyone Laugh because he very good

Competitions and also Give Some why how to become President

Wednesday 9 August 2017

Measuring Mates & Things Video

hello and welcome to blog. today i did a video with muba. In the video we talked about finding the difference between the two numbers. Enjoy

Monday 7 August 2017

Immersion Assembly In 2017 At School

it was a good day on Monday because but sorry don't came because i was this what i something Children's fairy tales tell us that the moon is made of cheese, but like all bodies in the solar system, rock is the more 

realistic ingredient. The moon's surface is covered with dead volcanoes, impact craters, and lava flows, some visible to the unaided stargazer .Jan 31, 2013
I wonder Why Stars Twinkle and other questions about space creativityiop``
 is allowing yourself to make mistakes Art is knowing which Ones To Keep  Creativity is intelligence having  fun Albert Einstein    

Social media - is it good or bad??

Social media - is it good or bad??

Social media - by this I mean ‘Facebook or Instagram or Twitter.  These things are used for direct messaging.   People enjoy them because you also get to look into people’s lives.  Sometimes even famous people.   Sadly some parents don’t know what their children are up to - they could be talking to dangerous people online and don’t even know it!    

A problem with social media is that you have to be careful because sometimes things pop up that you don’t need to know about.  For example things like drugs and alcohol.    Sometimes you are looking at something good but the wrong things pop up. for example you might be looking for designer clothes, and some random girls picture pop up on your screen.   

Some people hate social media why people hate because the mum and dad does not
Want buy phone because just try not buy phone not Recommended

The Moon

The Moon Made is Like the Earth, the moon boasts a crust, mantle and core. Deep inside of its interior, the moon may have a solid iron core surrounded by a softer, somewhat molten liquid iron outer core. The outer core may extend as far out as 310 miles (500 km). Jan 31 2013